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Integrated Systems


Technology Study on the Feasibility of a Simulation Centre For Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Propulsion Systems on the Airbus Power Campus in Ottobrunn

Recent progress in the field of electric propulsion technologies including electric engines, batteries, power electronics and energy management systems, has now revealed utilisation of electric drives in aircraft to be an attractive option. Research in hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion systems is aimed in particular at radically improving aircraft eco-efficiency.


Project lead:
Martin Nüßeler (Airbus)

Project partners:
Airbus, Siemens, Bauhaus Luftfahrt

The first step in building such a field of expertise at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus was the PowerLab project. The second step will be the foundation of a systems unit where the competencies and capacities gained from the PowerLab project regarding today‘s 1 MW power category will be rapidly expanded as well as existing general systems development know-how and proof of concept capabilities. It is envisaged to bring this about by introducing systems development and systems simulation platforms enabling computer-assisted experimental simulation of electric drive trains for the aviation industry to consequently prove this technology‘s feasibility. The scientific and technical concept for the eAircraft systems unit is to be developed within one year as part of the TESSI.0 project.