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Integrated Systems


Rocket Propulsion Engine Components For Applications In Aerospace Transport Systems

Consolidating the European space industry in the area carrier systems would require the concentration of all work content currently distributed around Europe at fewer locations. This also applies to the space propulsion systems section at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus.


Project lead:
Jan Alting (ArianeGroup)

Project partners:
ArianeGroup, TU Munich, EOS

This location would offer the opportunity to enhance existing German combustion chamber know-how and expand this to include jet propulsion engine systems. These technologies could potentially also be used in suborbital aircraft. Some of these are aircraft fully certified for airworthiness and licensed to operate globally in normal airspace. They are however able, thanks to ancillary rocket propulsion systems and special flight profiles, to climb to extremely high altitudes without going into orbit. KonRaT includes a number of activities aimed at expanding jet propulsion systems competencies at universities, scientific institutions and Bavarian industry in order to form a sustainable network serving as the basis for firmly establishing further component and system-related projects in Bavaria in the future.