7 November 2017 - Around 60 invited guests from the fields of science, industry and politics caught up on the activities of Munich Aerospace. The 7th Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Munich Aerospace included the announcement of personnel changes dediced by the Members' representatives Professor Pascale Ehrenfreund, Professor Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Professor Merith Niehuss and Professor Mirko Hornung. Munich Aerospace also bid farewell to seven graduates who have completed the programme. Professor Klaus Drechsler and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hans Steininger, moderated the event.[ more... ]
From left to right: Dr Thomas Reiter, Professor Hans M Kappler, Professor Volker Liebig, Professor Merith Niehuss, Dr Peter Volk, Professor Pascale Ehrenfreund
Personnel changes
Professor Klaus Drechsler (TUM) hands over the role as Chairman of the Executive Board of Munich Aerospace to Professor Günter W. Hein (UniBw). On the Board of Trustees, Dr Stefan Weber, Senior Vice President Technology and Engineering Advanced Programs at MTU Aero Engines supersedes MTU's COO Dr Rainer Martens.
Munich Aerospace event overview
The three-day Munich Aerospace Summer Summit on the Ludwig Bölkow Campus reached 120 international participants from the Munich Aerospace Research Network, the Bavarian partner regions and industry representatives. In 2017 Munich Aerospace was present at fairs such as the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit, the German Aerospace Conference (DLRK) and the expoAIR. In addition, there were again held two partner events at the University of the German Armed Forces and the Technical University of Munich.
In June Munich Aerospace hosted the LBC Roadshow in collaboration with bavAIRia e.V. and LBC GmbH on the Ludwig Bölkow Campus. The event attracted roughly 70 participants from SMEs, industry and science, and provided information on ongoing LBC projects, areas of research and businesses on the Ludwig Bölkow Campus.
From left to right: Hans Steininger, Professor Wolfgang Koschel, Professor Günter Kappler, Professor Hans Sünkel, Professor Günter W. Hein
Global Aerospace Campus
Since 2016 Munich Aerospace has been engaged in the Regional Leaders' Summit. The political network of seven partner regions (Bavaria, Quebec, Sao Paulo, Georgia, Western Cape, Shandong, Upper Austria) has convened biennially since 2002. The teaching concept "Global Aerospace Campus" was written by Munich Aerospace and is aimed at establishing and, in the long term, formalise online teaching, network events and research activities between the partner regions. The second event to take place within this framework was the Munich Aerospace Summer Summit on the Ludwig Bölkow Campus. As "Global Aerospace Summit" it will be adopted by Quebec in 2018 and Sao Paulo in 2019.
Industry funding opportunities
The private sector has the opportunity to fund doctoral scholarships for support junior scientists. Munich Aerospace aims to increase industry involvement in the scholarship programme. Companies are able to have practically relevant PhD projects dealt with within a foreseeable timeframe and recruit junior employees. The Munich Aerospace office handles administrative tasks and includes the scholarship recipients in the research network.
Farewell to seven alumni
This year, Munich Aerospace again bid farewell to graduates from the Munich Aerospace Scholarship Programme. Seven former scholarship recipients shortly introduced themselves and their research topic and received certificates and confirmations of participation in the Munich Aerospace Graduate School. This year's alumni are:
The seven Munich Aerospace alumni with Chairman of the Board of Trustees Hans Steininger