25 October 2017 - 25 members of the Munich Aerospace Research Network have followed the invitation to take a tour of selected laboratories and research facilites at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering in Garching. Professor Mirko Hornung gave the participants a short introduction to the department structure and also introduced his Institute of Aircraft Design. After Professor Ulricht Walter's presentation of the Institute of Astronautics, the participants took tours at the Institute of Astronautics, the Institute of Flight System Dynamics and the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. The event ended with a get-together and the opportunity for exchange among the group and with the professors.[ more... ]
Munich Aerospace Partner Events are part of the Munich Aerospace Graduate School. These events are open to our partners' very own design and take place at their own premises. The aim is to further connect the partners, and to give network members the chance to get to know each other’s facilities.
Professor Mirko Hornung introduces the department and the Institute of Aircraft Design
Professor Ulrich Walter guides the participants up to the roof of the building to see the ground station
Christoph Krause demonstrates the flight simulator at the Institute of Flight System Dynamics