4 November 2016 - Starting November 10, the TUM Institute of Flight System Dynamics resumes the lecture series Forum Munich Aerospace. Hans J. Steininger, CEO of MT Aerospace and member of the Munich Aerospace Board of Trustees, and former astronaut Professor Ulrich Walter will be among the speakers.[ more... ]
The opening event will take place on Thursday, 10 November 2016, 5.30 - 7.00 pm, in room MW1801 at TUM Campus in Garching. The Airbus Helicopters Chief Test Pilot, Andrew Warner, will speak about "Safety Priorities in Helicopter Flight Test & Operation".
Progamme Forum Munich Aerospace, winter term of 2016/2017 (PDF) >>>
Programme Overview
Safety Priorities in Helicopter Flight Test & Operation
Andrew Warner, Chief Test Pilot, Airbus Helicopters
Material Tailoring for Lightweight and Morphing Structures
Prof. Paul Weaver, PhD, University of Bristol
Ariane 6 – Nach der Ministerratskonferenz
Hans J. Steininger, CEO MT Aerospace
Beam me up Scotty!
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter, Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik, TUM
Bemannte und unbemannte Solar-Elektroflugzeuge
der Firma Elektra Solar GmbH. Geschichte und Zukunft
Calin Gologan, CEO Elektra Solar GmbH
50 Jahre Bölkow Bo 105
Lehrstuhl für Hubschraubertechnik, TUM