22 March 2017 - 15 interested members of the Munich Aerospace Research Network accepted the invitation to visit the research facilities at the UniBw campus in Neubiberg. After welcoming remarks by Munich Aerospace Executive Prof Günter Hein and a presentation on the university by the Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Prof Axel Schulte, the participants visited labs and saw demonstrations at the Institute for Flight Systems and the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Application. The event ended with a tour at the Institute of Lightweight Structures.[ more... ]
Partner Events at Munich Aerospace initiators TUM, DLR, UniBw and Bauhaus Luftfahrt take place twice a year and give members of the Munich Aerospace Research Network the chance to connect and get to know the facilities fo the four partner institutions. Partner Events are an integral part of the Munich Aerospace Graduate School.
Prof Axel Schulte (left) and Prof Peter Stütz (right) give tours of the laboratories at the Institute for Flight Systems
Demonstrating the helicopter simulator
Prof Matthias Gerdts shows a robot with a gripper arm
Lightweight elements up close
Prof Helmut Rapp presents the ballute container for the flight experiment MIRIAM-2